New Years Resolutions to Help You Become More Adventurous

New Years Resolutions to Help You Become More Adventurous

For almost two full years, you have been trapped at home, living the same day over and over again. In 2022, you deserve to get out and experience more you deserve to enjoy some adventure. If you aren’t sure how to be adventurous in the New Year, consider the following resolutions, which will make your year radically more exciting than the previous two:

Talk to Someone New Every Day
Assuming you have closely adhered to guidelines from public health experts, you haven’t been spending much time in public spaces, let alone close enough to strangers to converse. Yet, humans are social creatures who need to interact with others for physical and mental health. To help regenerate your social batteries, you need to practice communicating with those outside your intimate, home bubble which means talking to people you don’t know. You don’t have to become best friends with everyone you meet, but you should make it a goal to say something to at least one new person every day.

Visit a New Country
When you are feeling stressed, it is comforting to return to the vacation spots you know so well. Yet, the world is vast, and by returning again and again to the same countries, you are depriving yourself of new experiences that could broaden your worldview. At least once in 2022 given that you are fully vaccinated and testing negative for the virus you should try exploring a country completely out of your comfort zone. You might try to book a spot on a tour ship to Antarctica, or you might go on safari in Botswana or Tanzania. You deserve at least one big adventure this year, and that means heading someplace new.

Explore Your Hometown
It is easy to be overwhelmed by how much there is to see and do in the world so you should start small, with your own hometown. Likely, there are plenty of sights and activities around your home that you have never experienced simply because they have always been there. You might challenge yourself to explore a new aspect of your hometown (or home state) once per month in 2022, so you can feel even more connected to the place where you live.

Cook a New Dish
Culinary adventures are as exhilarating as travel, and you don’t have to leave your home to experience a new, exciting dish or drink. For all of 2022, you can commit to cooking something brand-new at least once per week, which will introduce your palate to new flavors while improving your culinary skill and confidence.

Try Weed for the First Time
To some, experimenting with substances seems dangerous, but as long as you select the right substances and the right circumstances, you should be safe. Study after study confirms that cannabis is a remarkably safe drug with few negative effects and plenty of benefits, to include pain relief, improved mood, better sleep and more. You can visit a weed dispensary in Illinois or another state with recreational cannabis regulations as long as you are over 21, and you can consume in the comfort of your own home or in 420-friendly accommodations.

Enroll in an Art Class
Many cities maintain community centers that host a variety of arts courses, like glass blowing, oil painting or clay throwing. Even if you don’t think of yourself as a creative person, you might consider enrolling in an arts class as a means of getting out of your comfort zone and trying something new. Likely, your classmates will be similarly unskilled, so you don’t need to fear being the least talented person in the room. As long as you come with a good attitude, you should leave with excellent memories and a few interesting conversation pieces for your home.

Try a New Outdoor Activity
The original source of adventure, the Great Outdoors might be calling you in 2022. There are so many fascinating and fun ways to get outside and play, so you should consider the activities that are most appropriate for your skill level and interest. For example, if you enjoy spending time in the water, you might get deep into canoeing, rafting or paddleboarding in the New Year. Then again, if you have always been an avid hiker, you might kick your activity into higher gear with rock climbing or caving.

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